What an interesting meeting! We prayed, we praised, we read, we chatted, and we listened as the Holy Spirit spoke to us about our lives, his purpose, and how the two are interwoven.

Thinking about the world at large we realised that many people believe there's one controlling power behind the universe. This is true not only for Christians, but also for Islam, Judaism, and in a sense for Hinduism and others too. But this knowledge must produce love if it's to count for anything.
Father told us to, 'Look up, and look out'. Roger pointed out that we need to see Him before we start looking at the problems in the world. Then it occurred to me that we can only look in if we're outside; because we're privileged to be inside we can only possibly look out. So, first we must look up and see the Father, then we are to look out.

Why is it so hard to hear what he says? It's because we must first strip off all the 'stuff' that gets in the way. We must remove everything that will keep us from him. When we do this we share his existence, and we share other's pain.
In this way he makes us his co-workers and we are able to work with him in our lives.
We have a choice in life, we can put on evil, horrid things, or we can put on good things as in 2 Peter 1:3-8. Peter writes that 'If you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
< 15th July 2003 | Index | 11th March 2004 >