The Holy Spirit showed us many things this evening, Father opened his loving heart to us and reminded us not to be anxious about anything. He said, 'Come to me like a child'. And how necessary that is!

Val told us how she had helped a young child to learn to swim, he trusted her and had a simple faith in her ability and willingness not to let him sink. He was enthusiastic and looked forward to the next swim. What is faith if not putting ourselves in the path of danger without fear or worry because we know he will support us? Not recklessly, but aware that he's always there for us, always with us.
We were also shown that each of us is like a child being given a ride on Dad's bike. We don't need to worry where we're going because we're riding with him, he knows the way and he's steering.There are all kinds of bumps and potholes in the road but if we're on his bike we'll miss them all (he's a truly skillful rider). And riding with him is never tiring or exhausting because he does all the pedalling.
Val had a vivid picture of riding on the bike, down a hill and splashing through water at the bottom, throwing out great gushes of water on either side. How exhilarating, what fun! And we should have fun with our Father!

Father instead wants us to have a new way of thinking. We are not to expect anything of each other; for he expects nothing of us! If he did, what hope would we have? Expecting something of my brothers and sisters just ties them down and restricts them; to release them I must expect nothing. If I can't love them as they are without requiring any change, then do I truly love them or do I love myself?
This was such an encouraging, uplifting evening. By the end of it I felt I'd been reminded of much and had my eyes opened to some new truths as well. HalleluYah! Thank you, Father.
< 11th March 2004 | Index | 16th April 2004 >