We met at Sean's, just Sean and me. We began with an informal chat about anything that seemed useful.
We considered what the word 'religious' really means. Is it a helpful or unhelpful thing to be thought of as 'religious'?

We agreed that we'd prefer to be thought of more straightforwardly, perhaps simply as 'followers of Jesus'.
We agreed that we need to pray for our neighbours and that the coming
Passion Play is a great opportunity and that we should pray for that too.
I had a picture of the ground being rotated under us as we walked. We didn't need to know the way, we just needed to walk forwards. Father rotated the ground so that forward was always the right direction to go. Like a train on a track, there is no need to steer. This is encouraging. Our job is to walk, his job is to guide us.
Father said, 'I didn't choose you because you are great orators, because you are persuasive, or celebrities. I chose you because you are humble and will follow me and keep me fully central in your hearts and minds. Think of
Elijah, and all the other people who were poor speakers, helpless, afraid, or unclean.
He also spoke about sheep and goats. We feel like lost sheep, but we're not, we're
found sheep! We recognise the Shepherd's voice, when he calls we run to him. When we come across lost sheep they will form a flock but the goats won't (they're independent minded). When we go towards the Shepherd the lost sheep will go too. We can't separate the sheep from the goats (middle eastern sheep looked very like goats). But we don't need to, they will separate themselves!
We prayed to the Lord to send more labourers into the harvest. This is a direct command from Yahshua himself and we feel it's hugely important. We briefly discussed the basis for mission in Luke 10:2 and thought about the steps involved and some ways in which we have already been presented with things to do as part of the process.