He explains, 'Much of what we do is not meant to add things to the schedule, but bring intentionality to the things we are already doing'. And then he provides a list of practical ideas.
- Practice telling the story to your kids and spouse
- Listen to others tell the story
- Have a night where each person shares their story in 10 minutes.
- Identify and write down the 4 major stories you see people believing.
- Host a get to know your neighbors party - with artifacts.
He suggests we consider these short extracts from the Bible... Genesis 1:1-2, John 1:1, Psalm 1 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17
Josh also provides links to some very helpful resources. Don't miss out on these, read his article and follow the links.
In his Verge post, Josh is summarising part of a fuller article on Soma's website. If you want to know more I recommend you take the time to read that. In it he offers five practical ideas for a whole range of other activities - to help us listen, celebrate and suffer, bless, eat, rest and work.
Maybe you could consider working through Josh's lists with a group of friends?
- Jesus often used parables - why?
- Why do you think telling stories is so powerful?
See also:
- Astonishing tales of reconciliation - Journeys of heart and mind
- Five practical ideas - Verge Network
- Jesus virus - Journeys of heart and mind
- Practical examples of everyday rhythms - We are Soma
- Verge Network