24 September 2011

Nettle Hill - Church planting, morning

< 23rd September 2011 | Index | 24th September 2011 >

This was a great day. The Dales were visiting from the USA and were sharing about aspects of church planting. It wasn't training in the way we normally view it. It was a sharing of real life stories and it was much more about people than the things we plan and do.

Giles introduced the day by reminding us that we're looking for organic growth. He referred to Romans 15 where Paul explains that he speaks of what he has seen and heard. Stories are good.

A North American IndianTony Dale continued this theme. He pointed out that speaking from the front was almost unknown in New Testament times. When Eutychus fell from the window, the word used for 'talking' is not 'monologue' but 'dialogue'. They were having a conversation.

The first story we heard was about Tony and Felicity's journey to America and how when they arrived they felt abandoned by the Lord. They'd come from such exciting times in Britain during the outpouring of the Spirit in the 70s and 80s, and now they didn't fit in to the church scene in the USA, work plans failed, and life became very difficult. It's often a struggle to listen and obey in such circumstances, but this is key in the journey.

Felicity took us through a listening exercise called Virkler, it involves four steps.
  1. Becoming free from distraction
  2. Focussing on Jesus
  3. Listening to the flow of spontaneous thoughts
  4. Writing them down (they can be weighed later)
Virkler is more fully described on the CO2 page (about half way down). We spent a few minutes on this exercise, then reported back with things that had seemed significant. There was a clear pattern and we were encouraged by that.

We heard how Tony and Felicity set aside several times each year just for listening together with friends. She described one of these times on a mountain around a campfire when someone saw in their mind an Indian on a hill surrounded by a ring of fire and also a bungalow with two basements. It later turned out that this was very accurate and the key to resolving some difficult situations.

Tony and Felicity continued to take turns at leading out thoughts right through the day. They told us about times in the 1970s and 80s when everyone would share openly in the meeting and how these were times clearly arranged by the Spirit. They have no doubt that Jesus want to lead his people and transform our situations.

We (plural, jointly) have the mind of Christ. We need to hear the quietest people and encourage them to share, this is treating the weaker parts of the body with greater honour. As the Charismatic Renewal developed and matured we stopped hearing through everyone. Some became famous or led large movements, many others were left out. Eventually we were left communicating head to head instead of heart to heart.

Change doesn't happen naturally, we need to plan and act to make space for the 'little' people. Our job is to make disciples, Jesus said he'd build the church himself.

It's useful to bring groups of unbelievers under the influence of the word. If we can do that their lives will change. It's a process of coming under the rule and lordship of Christ. We should ask people to follow Jesus, not join what we're doing. Follow simple patterns, eating together is important. Getting people talking is essential because we remember much more of what we express than what we hear or read. Multiplication generally happens outside our existing context; it's at the fringes and with unbelievers.

Success is not measured in terms of size; it's about multiplying the small. We need to lay down our view of success and look for transformed lives instead.

Please note - this article is only a superficial account. When the recordings become available I'll add a link to them here so that you can hear what was said for yourself.

< 23rd September 2011 | Index | 24th September 2011 >

23 September 2011

Offord d'Arcy (Day) - Rock of ages

< 22nd September 2011 | Index | 24th September 2011 >

Meeting at Roger's today, we spent a while running through SASHET together and praying for friends. We also enjoyed a cream tea and some coffee.

The Rock of AgesAh, coffee and a cream tea, what could be better? When we arrived, Roger provided scones, butter, jam and a pot of cream as well as coffee. We sat around the table together and tucked in - lovely!

SASHET is always an interesting exercise, turning up all sorts of things that might otherwise go unmentioned. I find it particularly helpful because I'm naturally a listener and a writer, not so much a talker. I'm particularly poor when it comes to talking about myself but SASHET provides the framework I need to help me be a little more forthcoming about my feelings. The headings sad, angy, scared, happy, excited, tender (the initials form the acronym SASHET) focus my mind and help me express how I feel.

We read Psalm 18:1-6 together before going our separate ways. How encouraging these words are, whatever we face in life the Mighty One hears us and rescues us.

< 22nd September 2011 | Index | 24th September 2011 >

22 September 2011

Eaton Ford - Walking in the garden

< 20th September 2011 | Index | 23rd September 2011 >

Three of us met and Donna joined us for a while for a chat over tea and coffee. We talked a lot, shared bread and wine together, read parts of John 17, and prayed together.

DovedaleTalking about events and experiences led me to an interesting thought. Yahshua has opened the chance for us to walk in the garden again with the Father in the cool of the day. This is what Adam and Eve did in the beginning but we have since broken away and have been unable to return to that place of blessing. But now because of what Yahshua has done we are free to walk there again - and that's what our Father wants. We are once again welcome in his presence! HalleluYah!

With this thought in our minds I broke the loaf in half and shared it, then later Jim prayed and passed round the glass of wine. We do this in Yahshua's memory as he asked.

As we began to talk again, Jim mentioned the recent case of cage fighting involving children. 'How low can we go?' was his thought. This led on to a further thought, 'How would we modify our behaviour today if we knew it was going to be our very last day?'

We also talked about our tendency to judge others - we do it all the time. Jim told us a story about this. He and Pam were walking up Dovedale recently and as they were leaving he saw some people who appeared rather unfit; they were also wearing inappropriate footwear. Imagine his surprise when they later appeared at the top of Dovedale having walked it, Jim thought, almost as fast and he and Pam had done! He immediately felt guilty about his judgement of them. In the end it turned out they had arrived by car and had not walked the valley path at all!

Sean remarked that we make pretty much instantaneous judgements about others.

Then I read parts of John 17, much of verses 6 to 26. Some of the phrases that stood out for me are...

  • I have given them your word and the world has hated them. (verse 14)
  • They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. (verse 16)
  • I pray ... that all of them may be one. (verses 20-21)
  • I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one ... so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (verses 22-23)
How amazing! It will be our unity that will convince the world. We still have a very, very long way to go on that!

< 20th September 2011 | Index | 23rd September 2011 >

20 September 2011

Loves Farm (SG) - Beatitudes

< 19th September 2011 | Index | 22nd September 2011 >

Tonight's word section covered the second part of the beatitudes, based on Ian Hoile's address at Open Door last Sunday.

Canal boatWe shared a meal together, the first time we'd met in Megan's new flat. It was cosy and fun but space really wasn't a problem. After coffee Roger turned our thoughts towards the meeting and we began with a time of praise. I'd been asked to prepare something for this, so I shared about praise and worship. The first mention of praise is in Genesis 1:4 where we read that Elohim 'saw that the light was good'.

When we declare something to be good, that is praise!

After that I spread out a selection of photos on the floor and asked everyone to choose their favourite. And then we considered what was praiseworthy in the things depicted - a sunset, a canal boat etc. We listened to Eva Cassidy singing 'What a wonderful world' and then joined in with 'All creatures of our God and King' and 'In every day that dawns'.

Then Donna turned to the topic 'Be radical' and the second part of the beatitudes (there are also notes on the first part).

We read Matthew 5:1-12 and focussed on verses 7 to 12. These verses seem to deal with the way we treat other people.

We should show mercy because we have received (and will receive) mercy.

Purity involves both the visible and the invisible aspects of our nature - we need to have pure actions and a pure heart. These two kinds of purity must match one another.

Peacemaking can be difficult because not everyone will accept peace. How do we deal with such difficult situations? Sometimes we need to go the extra mile.

And persecution will come our way if we stick to what we know to be right. We will certainly be criticised (or much worse). But we need to remain joyful despite the difficulties we face, as Paul and Silas did in prison.

And finally we spent some time praying for those of us facing difficulties of one kind or another as well as for other people we know with troubles or a need for change in their lives

(See also: Blessing or curse)

< 19th September 2011 | Index | 22nd September 2011 >

19 September 2011

Moggerhanger (Filling Station) - Prophecy

< 13th September 2011 | Index | 20th September 2011 >

Gerald Coates had been invited to speak this evening and his subject was prophecy. It was interesting to hear his thoughts as he shared some history and truth with us.

As usual with Filling Station meetings we had a time of singing and praise first. At the end of this I had a word from the Lord and felt I should share it. He said, 'Sometimes my voice will be loud, but with you - my children - I will speak very quietly. But along with the words I will also shine a light on the place where you should stand next. Follow the light, always stand in the light, and listen very carefully for my small and quiet voice. I will lead you along the way you should go.'

Gerald CoatesGerald Coates began by explaining that back in 1970 it all began with half a dozen people in his front room and this turned out to be the start of what eventually became the Pioneer Trust. He reminded us that back in those days terms like prophet, apostle, tongues and so forth were almost unknown in the wider church.

Out of the early meetings one of the things that was widely discussed was prophecy. Although dispensationalism claims that prophecy is no longer available to us, nevertheless the truth is always true.

At this point (and again several times later) Gerald spoke directly to individuals in the room about their lives. He then continued the flow of his address, pointing out that prophets must speak truth over every situation.

He then touched on something that is very important, something I was glad to hear clearly expressed. Prophets must be very careful not to hurt people in what they say. It's not just a matter of revelation, it's also necessary to show love, patience, gentleness and self control. In other words the fruits of the Spirit must also be active when the prophetic gift is exercised. 1 Corinthians 14 is relevant and useful.

Gerald referred to the interaction between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:4-30); he explained that this is a very good example of prophecy at work. It is intended to edify, encourage and comfort. We should look for positive ways to deal with people and it is often useful to have at least one other person present as a witness to what is said. People respond well when encouraged. Gerald told us  how well one woman had reacted when told she was the 'treasure' they'd been looking for while out treasure hunting.

We also heard about the floating axe head (2 Kings 6:1-7). This illustrates that the manner in which we leave our spiritual fathers determines whether we lose our cutting edge. The prophets hadn't left Elisha in a good way and they lost their 'cutting edge' (the axe head).

And here are a couple of points that stayed with me, 'Grief is the price of love' and 'The prophet sees in part and prophesies in part'.

< 13th September 2011 | Index | 20th September 2011 >

18 September 2011

TECHNOLOGY - A trip on the ISS

How amazing to watch the earth as the International Space Station whizzes past. This video was made by James Drake from a long series of still images. You can see land, ocean, clouds, cities, and thunderstorms as well as the edge of the atmosphere and a brilliant sunrise.

For best results view the video in HD at YouTube. Visit the item on James Drake's blog for more information. But meanwhile consider just what you've been seeing...

The Space Station (ISS) orbits up to 16 times daily at a height of 280 to 450 km and typically travels at 27 700 km/hr. The stars, city lights, and thunderstorms cannot be seen in the brightness of full daylight. The general illumination in the video is probably moonlight.

The forward looking camera is fixed so the structure of the station doesn't move in the video; and the earth rolls past beneath (although it's really the ISS that is moving). The track here is north to south, covering almost half way around the globe beginning over Canada and finishing neat Antarctica. At normal speed the video would last around forty minutes, but it's been speeded up.

Seeing this left me quite stunned. The beauty of the night-time earth and the brilliance of the arrival of day are so beautiful. And just think of all the people living their lives down below. Both North and South America pass below during this one brief video.


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