We had a wonderful, wonderful meeting this evening. Such freedom and such rich words and release from Father! The whole meeting seemed to be about liberty in Christ. We began as we often do with a coffee and a chat about things that seem interesting or important in our lives.

told us how beautiful the coloured feathers seemed. And she said, 'The kingfisher is Jesus, because he is the King, and he is the Fisher of men'. This idea made us chuckle, but it was a serious point and we knew that it was from the Spirit. He told us to look for the places of colour in our lives, that he is the colour, that we will find him in the places that are bright and colourful.
Jody described how she'd first seen gorse growing in Ireland and had to stop and get out and take a piece, it was prickly, but such a beautiful flower. She had never seen gorse before and was quite amazed by it. Chris shared how the oilseed rape in the fields is so gloriously yellow just now. It's at its best, so bright, and so dense and intense that on the drive to work and back it seems to totally transform the countryside - it's like a different place. This is how Yahshua seems to us, when he's present in his people he transforms their appearance.
With all the colours being identified last night, Rachel reminded us of an earlier picture (from the meeting on 14th October 2004) which displayed white light entering a prism and watching the beauty of the different colours emerging from it. With all the colours we were identfying we were shown how wonderful and varied our community together is and how all these colours blend and make up the 'total' colour spectrum' which in turn melds into white light when directed through the instrument of the prism, or Christ. It confirmed to us all of how important each strand or segment of colour is so very much apart of God's plan, how very important and loved we are by Father. The time together seemed to confirm the nature of Community / Family in Christ!

The world says, 'Where there is need there is no freedom', but heaven says, 'Where there is freedom there is no need'.
At the end Chris reached out, took Jody and Rachael's hands and we stood together. Chris said, 'First he loved us, then we loved him, and now we love one another. This is the Church, isn't it?' And we all agreed that in a very significant way - it is! When we love him and love one another as a community of his people in relationship, we are the church!
< 12th March 2007 | Index | 27th April 2007 >