We read Mark 2:13-22, here are some of the main things we thought about together.

Levi clearly invited him for dinner that evening, and Jesus went!
Doesn't he call us to live the same way, not planning but listening? He wants us to say what he says, and do what he does. He wants us to pay attention to him and then live his life in the world day after day. He wants to live inside us so that our words will be his words and our actions his actions. He wants the world to know him by seeing and hearing us! That is awesome!
The Pharisees asked Yahshua's disciples, 'Why does he eat with people who do wrong?' They thought that living according to rules would make them righteous and acceptable to the Almighty. But Jesus tells them that he came for sinners, not for the righteous.
The fast referred to would have been a religious festival and the righteous were certainly expected to adhere to it. It would have been like Ramadan for the Muslims, failing to take part would show contempt for the accepted religion. In that case, why were Yahshua's followers not taking part?
His answer must have been perplexing. He refers to himself as the bridegroom. Perhaps they wondered if he was going to get married!
Verses 21 and 22 are fascinating. Yahshua mentions an old garment and old wineskins. Surely he's referring to the rules of the Pharisees, the idea of fasting because it's customary, the need to avoid eating with sinners. These old patterns of behaviour will be utterly ruined and broken by the new thing that Jesus is ushering in! He's turning the world upside down.
The old rules no longer apply. For example, it's no longer enough to use a ritually cleaned cup to avoid defiling yourself; from now on the words that come out of a person's mouth will determine whether they are holy or profane.
Simply, it was as The Messiah testified, "I can do nothing of mine own self".......
ReplyDeleteAnd so it is that The Brethren of The Messiah will desire that which The Messiah desired above all else, "yes, even His own life".......
"Father, not my will, But THY Will Be Done"!
So it is that The Messiah's Brethren are but "aliens and pilgrims while on the earth" for their "citizenship is in Heaven".......
Father Help! and HE does.......
Thanks for the comment, we are indeed aliens and pilgrims on the earth - citizens of heaven. Amen!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it extraordinary how Yahshua was both 'other worldly' and very 'down to earth'. I'm convinced he wants us to be that kind of daily enigma too.
Depends on the meaning that you place on "very down to earth" for i know we are exhorted to "set our affections on things above" and not be of those whose "god is their belly and whose glory is in their shame because they mind earthly things".......
ReplyDeletei but desire and seek to be of those the religious ones would say are "so spiritual they are of no earthly good". And those who but carry on the legacy of the pharisee's do just that ;-(
Father Help! and HE does.......
"Come out of her, MY people"!