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06 November 2011

The Grace Outpouring - Index

(See indexes on other topics)

A view of Ffald-y-BreninRoy and Daphne Godwin run a retreat centre at Ffald-y-Brenin in Pembrokeshire. 'The Grace Outpouring' explains how they came to be there and describes some of the amazing events that have taken place as Jesus works amongst them and their visitors.

By kind permission of the publishers, here is chapter one of the book in twelve parts with comment and images.

  1. A sense of direction - Roy misunderstands the Father's purpose for his life.
  2. A step forward - Daphne suggests Roy should pray
  3. Unexpected visitors - Surprised by a sense of the Almighty's presence
  4. A pattern of blessing - Another couple arrives at Ffald-y-Brenin
  5. A rather difficult guest - Visitors are sometimes inconvenient or even difficult.
  6. Blessings in the rain - The Lord insists that Roy remains calm and patient.
  7. A pattern of blessing - Roy and Daphne start to look outwards.
  8. We bless you from... here! - A new tradition of blessing prayer.
  9. The abundant results of prayer - Reports from the neighbours.
  10. Grace outpouring - Grace can pour out from us as it does from our Father.
  11. Like light on the water - More on grace and blessing to others.
  12. A royal priesthood - The biblical background to blessing.


  1. I am going there in the middle of this month, and am so looking forward to it. My church, St. Andrew's, Oxford, has adopted the practice of prayer walks and blessing our city from the Godwin's and Ffald-y-Brenin. It's lovely to hear from someone who has been there recently.

  2. How did you get on, Anita? Did you put a report on your blog? I might have missed it but I'll have another look.
