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20 June 2016
A moving blog > New Version!
This blog has moved to a new home. Click through to the next post Faith or Knowledge, 19th July 2016 , or to the most recent post . Note :...
13 June 2016
The City on the Hill
The old city on the hill - Approaching the end of his three and a half years of teaching and healing, Jesus told his disciples, 'Jerusa...
09 May 2016
That can't be right!
The truth is not always intuitive or obvious. Claims and counterclaims abound in our day, many of them helped along by the rapid spread of i...
23 March 2016
Supporting Belgium
Come and stand quietly in support of Belgium in their pain. 15:00 on Sunday 27th March near the Ambiance Cafe in St Neots. If you live far f...
09 March 2016
Ben chooses love
Ben Scott and donations Ben Scott has discovered first hand what it means to love. He's volunteered to help the people living in the me...
16 February 2016
Shoals and flocks, church works like this
Jesus often used biological systems to illustrate the kingdom of heaven - yeast, seeds, fruit, trees, weeds. He didn't say so much about...
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