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18 December 2002

Eaton Ford - Reflections

< No earlier items | Index | 20th January 2003 >

Our meeting reminded me of the seventh day of creation, when He rested. Even God desires quiet times!

The other bit I particularly remembered was 'it's not for us to do, but for Him to do in us' (RK)
Reflections in mirrors
Four of us met and the Holy Spirit led us very gently. We felt encouraged and uplifted, it was a peaceful and quiet time with a variety of words and pictures.

There was a wonderful picture of still water, with a reflection of the Almighty's glory clearly visible in it; the water also reflected images of us towards him. Our feet were in the water; and he said that we should be careful not to make disturbances as this would spoil the reflection, only if we stayed quiet and very still would we be able to see his reflected glory.

We also had a word that the easy things he wants done are overlooked by the great and the learned, while the difficult things are only ever attempted by the weak and foolish.

Thinking about this afterwards I realised that the great doubly miss out, they miss the easy things because they think they're not worth doing, and they miss the hard things because they realise they're too difficult to attempt. But the weak are doubly rewarded, they're glad to do the easy things and by their childlike faith and trust achieve the hard things too!

We came away encouraged and strengthened - it was a great evening!

< No earlier items | Index | 20th January 2003 >

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