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20 September 2002

Where does the time go?

It seems I haven't done much here for ages, where has the summer gone? I suppose one excuse is the massive effort that's gone into scanning, organising and storing a massive pile of family photos. Back in 1961 my Dad was taking colour slides of the family, local events, people and places; and the B&W record goes back a good deal further.

Another activity involves my life as a believer, I've been pulling back from formal, organised Christianity and getting more deeply into sharing time with others when the opportunity arises. This involves a certain amount of meeting (obviously), thinking, prayer, reading, and (not least) e-mailing. There's such a lot going on out there and I want to be involved. In the end it comes down to the fact that the Almighty is doing stuff with his people, and if only we will pay attention we find that he means to include us. If we're not listening we end up being busy doing things for him when we'd be better off letting him do things for us instead!

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