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03 September 2012

Beginning all over again

Beth Foster's blog is a story of movement and challenge. For the past year she has been learning to live for Jesus in a radically new way - and she is changing! Read 'Organic Life' for yourself and follow her progress. But beware! You might find yourself changing too.

Organic Life, Beth's blogHave you ever been at a place of new beginnings? Most of us have experienced the pain and anxiety when there's a disconnect between old and new. Usually there is expectant hope and a joyful looking forward as well, perhaps tinged with some apprehension or great sadness. Mixed feelings in many ways.

Whether it's a new job or retirement, a new birth or a family death, moving to live in a new home (and leaving an old one), a lot of things are going to change and we have to adjust. The same can happen when the Holy Speaks to us about a major change in our spiritual life.

I've been following Beth Foster's blog 'Organic Life' since she first started it almost a year ago. She doesn't post frequently, but everything she's written has been well worth reading.

If you are new to her blog I suggest you begin at the beginning and follow her story along from post to post.  Highly, highly recommended stuff. It's a page turner and it's challenging and thought provoking too. She is coming out of a new beginning, letting go of what was, learning to live in the 'now', prompted and guided by the Holy Spirit. She is a brave and determined lady and is unwilling to accept second best.

As you read, don't be surprised if you find yourself challenged and changed. And while you're there, I know she would appreciate a comment from you.


  1. Hi Chris,
    I am humbled that you would choose to introduce me to your readers. You have been my only follower for the course of my blog and I trust that any of your readers who are drawn to my blog will only see the Lord at work in this journey He has me on.


  2. Oh, anyone who pays attention to what you write will see Jesus at work for sure! He does his greatest work through the little, insignificant people. You know - simple fishermen, women at the village well, little children - people like that.

    How badly we all need to realise this. How we all need to understand our insignificance so that he can begin to work through us. You are helping people see this, it's a precious gift.

    You didn't begin your blog by accident, Beth. You were led to write, it's part of your calling and if it touches just one life it will be well worth it. But it will touch many lives, I feel sure of that.
