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11 June 2012

Plucking blackberries

Some of us realise we're standing on holy ground, some just pick the blackberries. In looking for information about an author I stumbled across a verse by Elizabeth Browning - and it stopped me in my tracks.

Seeing the Creator in a brambleI've been chasing down a bit more information about Graham Buxton, mentioned in a recent 'Jesus Creed' piece.

My interest was piqued by the mention of dualism and the relationship between science and faith.

I haven't found any of Buxton's books for sale online so far, but I did find an interesting author profile. In it, he quotes Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Victorian verse...

… Earth’s crammed with heaven,
And every common bush afire with God:
But only he who sees, takes off his shoes,
The rest sit round it, and pluck blackberries …

I think that is so lovely! And so true. How delightful that such awesome and eternal truths can be contained in such ordinary, fleeting words. But that is our Father's nature really - the uncontainable Creator contained within the creations of his creatures. Truly we can know him.

How can we hold back from praising and worshipping and falling at his feet? And then we feel his hands on our arms, lifting us up so that he can embrace us as his children.

Father you are... unbelievable! But through your Son we believe. HalleluYah!

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