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19 February 2012

Coventry Cathedral - Index

(See indexes on other topics)

The new and old cathedrals are connectedIn November and December 2011 I began to feel Father wanted me to travel to Coventry and visit the Cathedral and that he would speak to me as I did so. I made the visit on 9th December and he did indeed show me a variety of things on that day.

This index page collects together a series of posts about the visit, what was revealed, and how the revelation has gelled and developed since then.

  1. Coventry Cathedral - Visiting the old and new cathedrals
  2. Hearing from the Spirit in Coventry - Truth poured out like a flowing stream
  3. The centrality of Christ - What does it mean for Jesus to be central in our lives
  4. Oneness and reconciliation - We are all one, in and through Christ
  5. New and old in church life - How the two relate and benefit one another

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