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23 September 2011

Offord d'Arcy (Day) - Rock of ages

< 22nd September 2011 | Index | 24th September 2011 >

Meeting at Roger's today, we spent a while running through SASHET together and praying for friends. We also enjoyed a cream tea and some coffee.

The Rock of AgesAh, coffee and a cream tea, what could be better? When we arrived, Roger provided scones, butter, jam and a pot of cream as well as coffee. We sat around the table together and tucked in - lovely!

SASHET is always an interesting exercise, turning up all sorts of things that might otherwise go unmentioned. I find it particularly helpful because I'm naturally a listener and a writer, not so much a talker. I'm particularly poor when it comes to talking about myself but SASHET provides the framework I need to help me be a little more forthcoming about my feelings. The headings sad, angy, scared, happy, excited, tender (the initials form the acronym SASHET) focus my mind and help me express how I feel.

We read Psalm 18:1-6 together before going our separate ways. How encouraging these words are, whatever we face in life the Mighty One hears us and rescues us.

< 22nd September 2011 | Index | 24th September 2011 >

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