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03 March 2011

Little Paxton - brothers in the Spirit

< 28th February | Index | 31st March 2011 >

We met at Jim's tonight. After chatting for some time over tea and coffee, Sean read a verse from Ephesians and set us off on what quickly became the theme for the evening.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)

Walking in woodlandWe have a new life in Christ that is a fundamentally spiritual life. I shared the thought that we know this in our minds and we feel it in our hearts, but sometimes we don't walk it in our lives.

Jim described some of the practical work that he, Rob and another friend Alan are planning to do in St Neots. This will focus particularly on helping some of the lonely people in society, people with few or no friends and family around them.

As we spent more time in prayer I felt the Spirit was saying, 'I will make you blind and deaf to the things of this world, but seeing and hearing to the things of the Kingdom of heaven. You will be like blind and deaf people walking along the pavement. It would be easy to step out in front of a car, or walk into a post. But I will guide you and keep you safe. You need to become blind and deaf to the world but fully see and hear the Holy Spirit.

We read Ephesians 2, particularly verses 6 and 7. But going back to it later, the entire chapter seems very relevant.

We felt that we were especially privileged to know one another as friends, and that we are all growing by spending time together. Jim read Romans 12:10 which sums up this idea very clearly.

< 28th February | Index | 31st March 2011 >

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