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21 February 2011

THOUGHT - Pray for the people of Libya

I have watched events in Tunisia and then Egypt with great interest, and more recently events in Yemen, Bahrain, Morocco and particularly Libya. What is happening in Libya is of an altogether worse kind. All followers of Isa (Jesus) should be praying for those suffering people.

A mosque in LibyaI considered writing earlier to congratulate the people of Tunisia and then Egypt. They have brought about change in their lands and done it with remarkably little loss of life. They now stand a good chance of going forward into better times, influencing the nature of their own government.

But now Libya is in the news and some appalling things seem to be going on. It is likely that the Libyan air force has been ordered to carry out strikes on civilians, Apache helicopter gunships have already been used, as have army units with heavy weapons such as machine guns, mortar bombs, and missiles.

It's difficult to know how to respond; if the reports are correct it's savagery of the worst kind, usually limited to all out war.

I'm praying for the people in Libya right now and I urge everyone else to do the same. Men, women and children are dying in Libya tonight. They are guilty of nothing more than trying to replace a corrupt and brutal government that has been in power for decades.

Pray that these terrible times will be cut short. Pray that many who might otherwise die will be somehow protected and kept safe, even in the middle of the violence. Pray for the armed forces and the security and police forces, that many of them will disobey orders to fire on civilians. And yes, pray for those clinging to power including Mr Gaddafi and his family, that they will quickly see the folly of continuing as they are. Pray that many will be surprised by Isa himself appearing to them in their time of need, speaking comfort and peace and life into their hearts. And if you doubt that such a thing is possible, read this earlier post and then pray.


  1. thanks for this invitation to pray. I have been praying for this country for 10 years. in June 2010 God told me I would see his power politically in Libya. I hope that will encourage you. Then in February God told me he would not remove Ghadaffi yet. I didn't believe this 2nd word until war erupted. I was hoping for a quicker ordeal. But now I see that God is destroying the hope they have in Islam, through this struggle. Their enemy is not Ghadaffi, but the principality of darkness that has been ruling the nation through him. God showed me without war they country would think Islam has saved them, and be in danger of extremist groups. Let us pray that they will see through tragedy Islam is not saving them from anything, and look to the real Saviour. Pray for outright revival in Libya from Tobruk to Nalut.

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