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08 March 2010

Colworth (CU) - Mission

I had volunteered to bring a topic to Christian Union this week, and as mission has been very much on my heart recently, The harvest fieldI decided to open a conversation around that.

I shared some points that I felt are important as background for mission, things that perhaps need to be in place in our lives to prepare us for looking outwards more. These include involvement at a heart level with one or two other people; involvement in at least one local expression of church on a larger scale; and involvement in a group of others interested in the practicalities of mission. This third group would normally be drawn from a slightly wider area. And finally, I explained that it's necessary to notice opportunities to reach people who do not already believe. I also mentioned the idea of looking for a house of peace and suggesting such people should bring their friends and family together to learn about Yahshua.

David said that it's important to put the nets out in the right place. He referred to passages like Luke 5:4-11 and John 21:2-6. This is absolutely right! If we are going to be 'fishers of men' and catch people we need to hear Yahshua's instructions and follow them. We need to put the nets out in the right place. We need to listen more and our closeness to him will increase. It's our job to listen, he will make sure that we hear.

I read Luke 10:1-12 and we talked about it for a while. Some of the things we noticed are
  • That the disciples were sent out in pairs.
  • That we should ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers.
  • That we are commanded to go, and that we are like lambs among wolves.
  • That we shouldn't take what we need with us.
  • We are not to greet people on the way.
  • When we go into a house we are to speak peace over it.
  • We are to stay in the house, eating and drinking what we are given.
  • We are not to go from house to house.
  • We should heal the sick.
  • The Kingdom of the Almighty is near for those that welcome us and also for those that do not.
Finally we ended in prayer for one another, for reaching our work colleagues, our neighbours, for more labourers to be sent. and for our ears and eyes to be open.

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