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17 November 2009

St Neots (Open Door small group) - say cheese!

This evening I went with Donna to her small group.
A fine piece of Stilton
I'm always invited when they have social events and this time it was a cheese and wine supper. There were only seven of us as several were not able to get along.

But what a great time we had! There was an excellent selection of cheeses, Barbara had made scones, and with French Stick, grapes, crackers and a variety of other items there was no shortage of flavours. In fact the cheeses  featured in the conversation, along with many other topics.

Times like this are such a good way to get to know people better. The informality and fun help with this enormously. It would also be good to meet with Donna's group more often, in between the social 'events' (hint, hint). Maybe this will become possible.


  1. The flavours sound delicious; the fellowship sounds lovely.

  2. They were, and it was! Just hanging out together like this is important. We need to get to know one another really well if we're to truly be the family that Papa calls us to be.
