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12 March 2007

Rugby - Tunnel and cloud

< 7th March 2007 | Index | 17th April 2007 >

It's been about nine months since we last wrote notes on a meeting. Somehow it hasn't seemed important although we've been meeting regularly throughout and there have been some great and useful times.

Tonight there were just two of us, or three if we count the Messiah (and of course we should count him!)

Chris shared the address of a website that had been mentioned to him in an email from the USA. It's the Christian Fellowship Network based in Merseyside with the purpose of helping to link individual and independent groups together. It's striking that the site is a personal effort and does not represent any organisation.

Chris went on to share a vision of a tunnel mouth in the side of a hill. There was a plaque above the opening, though the words on the plaque were not readable. Rachael thought it might be like the Ben Cruachan tunnel, cut into a mountainside in Scotland to give access to the generating plant in a hydroelectric scheme. The centre of the mountain is a place of power, stored power, and the tunnel gives access to this place of power.

Rachael saw a pear tree with a piece of fruit hanging from it, almost ready to pick. The Lord said, 'This fruit is not going to wither or fall, when it's ready it's going to be used to nourish my people'. She also saw a carpet of cloud like a walkway. And Father spoke and said, 'Don't be afraid to walk on the clouds. You might expect to fall through, but don't be afraid because I will hold you up there'. He also said, 'Nobody can stop me having my way. This is the path I'm giving you, walk with me. Neither can anybody slow me down, my will is the most powerful thing. I choose the moment.

At the end of the meeting Chris said, 'Something's brewing, isn't it. And it's not a pot of tea.' This seemed at the same time quite significant but also very amusing! Access is being provided to the very place of power, perhaps by a tunnel into the heart of the mountain, or perhaps on the clouds where we will need his support along the way. But it's just different ways of looking at the same revelation. We have free access to the throneroom, and it's a great privilege.

< 7th March 2007 | Index | 17th April 2007 >

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