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28 November 2006

Another way to post a blog (SQ)

This post is my first attempt to blog using 'blogmailr', a website provided by telligent, those terribly nice guys who wrote Community Server.

It's really very clever, but like many of the best ideas it's also very, very simple. You sign up on the website, then you provide one or more e-mail addresses that you want to use to create blog posts, provide URLs and login details for any blogs you want to post to, and blogmailr provides an e-mail address for each blog. You write a mail message and sent it to the provided e-mail address and voila! - Job done.

Well we'll see, won't we. I've just typed this into my e-mail client, addressed it using the e-mail address provided by blogmailr, and now I'm going to hit the send button...

(This was my final post to the Squarespace blog. Hint - click the label 'sq' below to show only the Squarespace posts.)

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