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25 July 2006

Rugby - Hourglass and desert

< 28th June 2006 | Index | 2nd August 2006 >

We thought about the Father and about leadership, and we were shown that to hear him we need to be very, very quiet.

A flower in the desert
We spent some time at the start of the meeting talking about Father - 'Abba' in Hebrew. We also chatted about leaders and leadership. Leaders should be there to help us and guide us, not to control us.

Sometimes we try to help someone but it doesn't work out too well, but never mind! Father will sort it out like the soap on the bathroom tiles! (can anyone remember more about this?) It's so important that we help each other in every way possible, we have to make room for one another.

We read 1 Kings 19:1-13 which describes how Elijah was afraid and ran away and prayed that he would die. But an angel woke him from sleep and sent him on a journey. And then we hear about the earthquake, the strong wind, the fire, and the still, small voice.

Other thoughts from this meeting had to do with sand in the hourglass, pebbles with jewels amongst them, a pen amongst the knives and forks, and a green leaf in the desert. And the Lord told us, 'Look for the thing that seems out of place - I am in that thing!'

And Valerie shared a prophecy with us. 'Listen to my voice, be very quiet and listen.

< 28th June 2006 | Index | 2nd August 2006 >

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