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05 November 2005

Getting started with the new blog (SQ)

I've been beavering away part-time on this new site for months. My old website is years old and looks it, this new one has all the tools I need to keep the content fresh and well-structured - at least I hope so!

First off is this blog. At the outset my idea is to comment on anything in life that strikes me as interesting or noteworthy. And the first noteworthy thing I can think of is that, well, here it is at last. A brand new, scarily empty blog. Come back in a few days time and see how I'm getting on. You can use an RSS or Atom feed to keep an eye on new entries (or you will be able to when I work out how to set it up), or you can just stop by from time to time. You will be most welcome.

Maybe, with winter coming on in the northern half of the globe, we can have some nice fireside chats.

(This was the first post to a new blog built using Squarespace. Hint - click the label 'sq' below to show only the Squarespace posts.)

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