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08 November 2005

A photo gallery (SQ)

I've just added a photo gallery to the website. I could have built a gallery here on the site, but I chose to use Smugmug instead. Smugmug is just one of several good photo management tools available online, it's flexible and convenient, fast, and provides unlimited storage. I particularly value the way it automatically produces a series of image sizes, and it also makes uploading new images extremely easy and efficient.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I say it depends on the picture and it depends on the words! I hope these photos are worth something to you. I hope you enjoy viewing them and exploring them. Feel free to download them, modify them, print them, use them in websites or in any other way you wish for non-commercial purposes. Under the Creative Commons licence you must contact me if you'd like to use them commercially.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.

I use Smugmug to store and manage my online photo collection because of its excellent facilities.

Visit the collection and browse around, there's probably something for everyone. The collection is small at the moment but I shall add more images as quickly as I can.

And while you're reading this I should mention the Wikimedia Commons. This marvellous website is a source of images available for anyone to use free of charge. Copyright information is provided for each image, but they're all available for personal use and many of them for other purposes too. Type a subject into the search bar (part way down the left-hand side of the page) and you'll usually be treated to a good number of relevant images.

It's a wonderful resource and it's getting better every day.

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