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04 June 2003

Eaton Ford - Walk with the King

< 13th May 2003 | Index | 23rd June 2003 >

The Holy Spirit reminded us that we are just to love, not to manipulate. We are called simply to rest in him and to relax, he will do all the work. We can do nothing, only he is able to do it.

Walk with meWe received a word along the lines of, 'I will never forsake you or leave you. I will not leave any child of mine. Walk with me in my garden and see what I see, appreciate what I appreciate'. It seemed very striking when a blackbird began to sing in the evening air outside, such a beatiful song to listen to. The blackbird isn't anxious about what will happen tomorrow, he just sings for today.

Roger read Job 38:1-7 and 42:1-6 and spoke about how Job understood in the end that striving is no good, only the Almighty is capable of bringing his plans to fruition. He answers us 'out of the storm' and reminds us that we know nothing; eventually we, like Job, must understand that he, Yahweh, is the King and his plans will bear fruit.

At the end of the evening I was just left with a sense of peace, I felt surrounded by peace, supported by peace. It was a calming and encouraging experience; he knows what we need!

< 13th May 2003 | Index | 23rd June 2003 >

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