Cornerstone is a cross-denominational company with directors from different churches and aims to bring Jesus into the high street and provide resources for local Christians and churches. However, its primary aim is to serve Jesus by blessing and loving the people in the area by representing him to them. This will present opportunities for the local churches around St Neots by providing a mix of affordable high quality coffee, fair trade food, meeting rooms, music, gifts, cards and counsellors in a welcoming and loving environment.I know that all of us living in the area and involved in small, organic expressions of church will find this an interesting opportunity. It fits particularly well with our own understanding of church and being actively involved with the people around us. We are here to love the Father, love one another, love our neighbour, and even to love our enemy. What better start could we have than a place like Cornerstone, designed to serve the local area with good food, good drink, good books, and good facilities for meeting?
Cornerstone has been open for only a couple of days but we have had rave reviews on the quality and experience from both Christians and non-Christians alike!
However, there is an opportunity for more volunteers to be part of this exciting venture and for your church to be represented in Cornerstone to help engage in outreach with the local community in a non-threatening environment.
Specifically we require volunteers to help with any of the following duties:
- Book shop management
- Food preparation
- Coffee and drinks preparation
- Cleaning
- Counselling
We can offer any volunteers uniforms, free lunch and drinks, and travelling expenses.
So please bring this to Jesus in prayer, ask him if he wants you involved. If you need to know more here are some suggestions.
- Watch the video about the making of Cornerstone.
- Visit the website and read about it.
- Come and visit for a coffee and a chat.
- Let the staff know that you are considering becoming a volunteer and that you'd like the chance to ask some questions.
- Ask to see the meeting room and other facilities.